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(714) 662-2203

Emergency WordPress Support

Fill out the form below if you need emergency support. You can always call me at (714) 662-2203, leave a message and specify this is an emergency support call. Emergency support calls will incur an non-refundable minimum charge of $125.

Step 1 of 4

  • Purpose of this form

    This form is for any business owner who would to request a Website Security Review for their WordPress website.

    There are several fields that you will be required to answer in order to submit the form. Knowing the answers to these questions is critical to the process, especially if you need to have your website cleaned.

    * = required field

  • This Form is NOT a Proposal or Contract

    This form does not constitute an agreement, proposal or contract. There is no obligation when you fill out this form, unless you specify this incident as an emergency. Even then, you will be presented with a proposal before any work begins.

  • Privacy Policy

    I promise to not use any of your information for spam. I will NOT share any of your information collected on this form with a 3rd party (unless there is an agreement between us to refer)

    Read my full Privacy Policy HERE

  • If you select "yes" I will respond as soon as I become available. However, be aware, if you select yes in this box yes, there will be a minimum $125 charge.
  • If you have an offer or coupon code, please enter it below
  • Please enter your business address
  • Please share with me why you are requesting a security review from the list below. If there is more than one reason, select the primary reason and then list other reasons in the comment box provided below.
  • Please list any additional details you would like me to know here.
  • Business Snapshot

  • If there are no decision makers other than yourself, just enter "Self"
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